Wisa 1000
Wisa 1000 Not-New Technische Daten: Änderungen vorbehalten Förderleistung 2 x 500 l/h aus 2 getrennten Systemen bei 0,1 bar Regelbar mit Schiebestangen getrennt für jedes System Leistungstoleranzen (+-) 10% Elektrische Leistungsau...

Welke Turbo Skimmer
Non-New I bought the skimmer is wilting in the internet shop. I then had one of the company Deltec skimmer and a ton of water lilies in my aquarium. Only after I've read on the internet forum, that is precisely the kind of lily is hazardous to healt...

skimmer Non-new The most important signs: So more AIR better skimming was raised of the Lufteinzuv of 800 l/h on 1050 l/h. Thus the skimm output was clearly improved once again. High water flow amount from approx. 2000 l / hrs. Applicable for washb...

Greisinger Digital-conductivity Meter GMH 3410
Greisinger digital conductivity meter GMH 3410 Non-new The display has a crack in the middle, but it does not compromise the vision or the function of the device. Product Information: Corresponds to the requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinanc...
Manufacturer:Greisinger electronic GmbH

Aqua Medic Anthias 130 Seewasseraquarium/Meerwassersquarium 136 x 68 x 142,5 cm - 525Lieter - Unterschrank mit tragendem Gestell aus Edelstahl in silber
The Aqua Medic Anthias 130 Beech aquarium features an open aquarium with top and bottom frames and includes a fully assembled cabinet with a stainless steel inner stand. The Anthias aquarium has a wide profile which offers more space for landscapin...
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