
Ähnliche Artikel

Techkon Scan-Densitometer RS 400

Techkon scanning densitometer RS ??400 Non-new including Expresso (most recent Windows version) including rail measuring 74cm - For automatic measurements of densities, dot gain and print contrast - Ink-based control of printing presses - As a con...

Scan-Spectrometer Techkon RS800 + Lineartrack

Scan-Spectrometer Techkon RS800 + Lineartrack Not-New Techkon RS800 Scan-Spectrometer RS 800 with Techkon ExPresso software The device revolutionises the automatic measuring of thickness and dot gain on any pressure controlling stripe. The Spectr...

Scan-Spectrometer Techkon RS800 + ExPresso Pro+ PC

The device revolutionizes automatic measurements of densities and dot gains on any print control strip. When purchasing the product we set the RS 800 on your individual color control bar. Furthermore the delivery and training are included. The devic...

Scan-Spectrometer Techkon RS800 + ExPresso Pro+Rechner Primergy 300 S2 +register rail

The device revolutionizes automatic measurements of densities and dot gains on any print control strip. When purchasing the product we set the RS 800 on your individual color control bar. Furthermore the delivery and training are included. The Windo...

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