
Ähnliche Artikel

Großformat schwarz-weiß Scanner HAWK-EYE Mx 36 Zoll

Large size black-and-white scanner HAWK-EYE Mx 36 inches 36” - large format scanner dispose of the newest Imaging technology for the highest quality while scanning and copying. The big 36“ - abbot branch area is suited for poster, architecture drawi...

HAWK-EYE Cx 36" large siye/colour scanners

HAWK-EYE Cx 36" large size-colour scanners An entire new era marks the new HAWK-EYE Cx of 36" large size-colour scanners Serier in the scan technology. This scanner is allowed the result of new and revolutionary design solutions, the quick and highl...

42 Zoll-Großformat-Farbscanner CHROMA 42 Zoll

42-inch large size-colour scanner CHROMA 42 inches XL 42" large size-colour scanner dispose of the newest Imaging technology on the production of qualitatively high-quality Vollfarbscans and copies. Functions - Scan - Copy - Put into archives - Repr...

36 Zoll-Großformat-Farbscanner PUMA HS 36 Zoll

36-inch large size-colour scanner Puma HS 36 inch Cx-, Tx and HS scanner are based on the newest Imaging technology. The big, to 36“ abbot branch areas is suited for poster, architecture drawings, detailed maps and art reproductions equally. These c...

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