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IT8 Aufsicht

IT8 Handvermessenes Aufsichtstarget Not-new * Zusicherungen und Markennamen: We are not authorized reseller of this brand we use the names only for description ...

IDEAL 4850-95 Electric Guillotines

IDEAL 4850-95 Electric Guillotines POWER GUILLOTINE WITH AUTOMATIC CLAMP Economical and comfortable cutting is guaranteed with this power guillotine with electro-mechanical blade drive and automatic clamp. Precise gauges and the optical cutting l...

IDEAL 4850-95 EP cutter

IDEAL 4850-95 EP cutter Pro's pile cutter with 47.5-cm cut length. The electric knife impulse, the automatic pressure, the modern "EP" control for the electrically pursued back poster, the measure-direct input (prefix) over ten keyboard and the digi...

IDEAL 7228-06 LT Schneidemaschine, Neu

IDEALLY in 7228-06 cutter LT, new Pro's batch tailor with hydraulic pressure Cut length 720 mm Application height 80 / 781 mm Einlegetiefe 720 mm Rest cut 20 / 901 mm Mains connection 400 V / 50 hertz / 3 ~ Engine power (Nominal admission) Knife im...

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