
Infortrend RAID Systeme - Wie setze ich mein Passwort zurück?

Infortrend RAID Systeme - Wie setze ich mein Passwort zurück?

Wie setze ich mein Passwort bei einem Infortrend RAID-System zurück?

"The controller password is stored in the "NVRAM" on the RAID controller.
There is no master password to break the forgotten password.
The only way to clear the forgotten controller password is to perform
“ Restore Factory Defaults" physically from the front of the RAID subsystem.
This design is to secure the data and RAID subsystem.

The Factory Defaults procedure:

* Warning *

1. By performing the Restore Factory Defaults Procedure, all
the settings the user made to the controller will be
cleared. All the settings in the controller will be reset
to the factory default values.
2. This procedure will NOT perform any read/write access to
the hard drives or logical drive. However, the logical
drive LUN mapping will be cleared and it is a must to
re-map the host LUN to the logical drive/partition.

* Write Down the Current Settings First *
Please use the chapter - "Record the Settings" in the
Manual to record all the current setting before
performing the Restore Factory Deafults Procedure.

Restore Factory Deafults Procedure:
1. Power off the RAID controller.
2. Press and hold and buttons on the front
panel of the RAID subsytem, do not release the buttons.
3. Power on the RAID Subsystem, release the buttons while the
"Maintenance Mode" appears on the LCD, then press .
4. Press up/down arrow keys to choose "Restore Factory
Defaults". Press for 2 seconds to confirm.
5. "Factory Defaults Restored!" will appear on LCD.
6. Press up/down arrow keys to choose "Reset Controller",
press for 2 seconds to confirm the controller reset.
7. After the controller reset completed, the LCD will display
"ControllerModelName No Host LUN"
8. Set all the controller settings back according to the
information recorded before perform the procedure.
9. Map the Logical Drive / Partitions to the host ID/LUN again.

* Notice *
If any setting has made to the SCSI/Fibre channels, it is a must
to reset the controller to let those channel settings take

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